New work ,Envy, and updated photos of last two – pieces 8 July 2015

Always good to start a new painting. This was a completely random photo of my daughter and a friend at a wedding and I just thought it made an excellent composition. The woman adjusting her new glitzy shoes is happily gazing into the mid-distance dreaming. Well actually, at the moment she doesn’t, she looks like a mad woman, but stick with me over the next few weeks I will get it right! Her friend, however, is looking covetously at the shiny shoes, even though she has her own (probably new) shoes. The title ‘Envy’ just jumped out at me,  or possibly ‘Wedding Shoe Envy’, not sure yet. We all have so many pairs of shoes in our wardrobes, but a woman can never have enough of them. I do promise this will be the last painting relating to shoes for a while…. As regards colour, in the photo the colours are rather sombre, and I don’t do sombre if I can help it. The dress on the left therefore, will probably be a brilliant turquoisoe and I think the wedding chairs will be lilac with a sheen to them. At the moment the woman on the right has a white…
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Finished work Modern Blonde and Waiting. 2 July 2015

‘Waiting’ is now finished, in as much as I ever think a painting of mine is finished.  There is always a terrible temptation to keep on adding in detail and refining the work and you end up with an overworked piece of art.  I think most artists are perfectionists and are always finding fault with their work but you just have to let it go.  So….this is 45 x 35 cm unframed and is up on the website for £225.  It is oil on canvas. ‘Modern Blonde’ is also now completed and available to buy.  I could not quite get the exact colour right in the final photograph. The skirts are a little more vibrant and yellow in the original and the blue tops have a slightly more turquoise hue to them.  I apologise for this and spent some time trying to get the right colours in the photo but to no avail;  first time this has happened…..sigh.    I used an old toothbrush to add a little splash of colour on the walls as a finishing touch and like the effect.  The painting is 50 x 40 cm and is priced at £325, not £350 as shown on the website,…
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Week 3, work in progress June 24 2014 – TITLES!

I would like to thank everyone on Twitter who came up with ideas for titles for these two pieces, I was overwhelmed with the response.  In the end I decided on a short title for both so this is now called MODERN BLONDE.  Everywhere I go, I see people on their phones all the time – it is a truly modern phenomenon – and not sure if it is a good one, but hey, I am just the artist.  One follower came up with the interesting thought that both paintings could be about  prostitution or call girls, something that had not crossed my mind. I should finish this next week and am keen to get onto the detail as this makes or breaks a painting to my mind – that and my pink and blue spirited touches! As regards a title for this, again a lot of good ideas and thanks.  The word ‘Waiting’ featured in so many Tweets with or without prefixes, but in the end I decided little is more and will just be calling it WAITING.  Someone suggested ‘He said he’d call’ but I thought that was too specific and gender orientated, after all she could just…
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