The first thing I see as I look at this photographic image of my painting is that the girl looks as if she has a beard, something I didn’t notice from looking at the actual painting, and which will be sorted by next week 🙂 As an artist,  I get so absorbed in the painting of the piece that sometimes I just do not see the wood from the trees as I am too involved in the creating of the work and I am sure other artists will identify with this. This is when the camera is such a good tool. Taking a photo of the work will show up any areas that need resolving and which have not been noticed before. Strange how this works,  but it just does. It’s the same when I hold up the painting to a mirror or just hold it upside down, any points needing to be sorted out are shown up instantly. I hesitate to use the word ‘mistakes’ as that involves negative connotations and I have had enough of negativity… We artists are sensitive souls at the best of times, so we don’t need negativity thrown at us! Looking forward to getting…
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I am beginning to add depth to the painting starting with changing the green shade of the walls subtly and then incorporating that shade into all the other colours; in the flesh of the girl’s arm in the foreground, in the glasses for the Margaritas ( or are they Mojitos ) and in the wood of the background seating, etc. It is amazing how, by doing that, the whole painting starts to come together, unifying the composition. I spent years painting individual parts of a painting separately, compartmentalising them, and the end result was a piece that to me, lacked form and seemed static. Â I always seem to find my way the long way round, but I am getting there with this work and I particularly like the vibrant colours in this scene. Most people will identify with that Friday feeling, of finishing work and sitting in a bar, restaurant etc., with friends relaxing over a glass of wine and looking forward to the weekend ahead. Next week the detail starts; in the meantime if you would like to be kept up to date with what I am up to in the future, please sign up for my Newsletter at…
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‘That Friday Feeling Again’ New Work week 1. 10 Feb 2016
I lived in Cape Town for five years until fairly recently and one of my favourite haunts was a Mexican restaurant called Panchos in Observatory’ where I discovered the pleasure of Margaritas big time. It was, and still is, a vibrant area and this restaurant is right in the middle of it.  I saw these two girls there one Friday night, enjoying their evening, eating their Tacos, drinking Margaritas and I just thought it would make a great painting. I have kept this photo till now and am ready, hopefully to do it justice. I am not a fan of the colour green usually, for some reason, but this vibrant shade  on the wall just has to be kept in, as it touches and adds colour to so much around it, the glasses, the jacket, the hair and even the flesh. The painting would lose a lot and become boring without this rich colour.  So be it! Do sign up for my Newsletter at the top of the Home Page if you would like to be kept up to date with what I am up to. I will be showing my work at the Affordable Art Fair in Hampstead, London…
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