The Dinner Party, week 1. 25 May 2016

A new piece, relatively small (14 x 10″) to compliment Should I Stay Or Should I Go and Waiting, Wishing,Wanting which are both on the website.  Again,  a quieter work after the excitement of the water in The Pink Hat! I need a bit of a rest before I contemplate painting water again, much as I loved tackling that subject. I think I need an object in the foreground of this painting as the area in the right hand corner is a bit dead at the moment. I don’t want to overcrowd the composition but think perhaps a bowl with a couple of oranges in it to add colour.  I was toying with putting a glass of wine there but realised I have quite a wine theme going on with a lot of my work, so perhaps not with this work…. I feel this girl is making a special effort with the preparation of meal, hence the title but am open to any suggestions as always for titles. Really looking forward to getting in the bright Mediterranean of the peppers and the toaster … Will probably add some red to the hair too to link the work. A lot of…
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The Pink Hat, nearly completed. 18 May 2016

A quote for today : ‘Art is the only way to run away without leaving home’ . When I am in my studio space I completely cut myself off from the world, with or without music in the background. I need this space for myself, my body space, my privacy. Without it, I can’t really function properly and find it almost impossible to start a new work, let alone finish it. But then to mention another quote by Frida Kahlo: ‘At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can’.  Hmmmm, not sure about that one at the moment … It’s a difficult balance sometimes getting it right as an artist; we need to be alone in order to create, but we also need the social interaction with other artists/people, otherwise we can feel very isolated and go into a downward spiral of negativity. To The Pink Hat now.  I felt the blues of the pool were overwhelming the painting too much and the wall our lady was leaning on was too grey in tone. The hat looked bland and generally speaking,  I wanted to  throw the work out the window… However, I have battled…
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The Pink Hat, week two. 11 May 2016

This is a slightly larger piece, 24 x 18″ (60 x 45 cm) than my recent works and space permitting I would like to paint larger still in this style. The swimming pool water is crying out for a large 5 x 5 ft (150 X 150 cm) canvas in the bright Mediterranean colours I love so much, but living in a one bedroom end flat makes this well nigh impossible …. For now!  When I finally get discovered and am selling all over the world, well David Hockney eat your heart out. But for now I am so enjoying painting the water in this painting; the different shades of blue, the white highlights which bring out the effect of the rippling water and the lighter blue lines of the paintwork. Can’t wait to do all the coloured highlights next week, the paler blue turquoise etc. I will be adding different shades of red/pink and orange to the hat to make it sing out more, as at the moment it looks too flat and two dimensional. Likewise I have to find a way to make the feet really look as if they are under the water, probably toning down the…
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