Finished work Modern Blonde and Waiting. 2 July 2015



‘Waiting’ is now finished, in as much as I ever think a painting of mine is finished.  There is always a terrible temptation to keep on adding in detail and refining the work and you end up with an overworked piece of art.  I think most artists are perfectionists and are always finding fault with their work but you just have to let it go.  So….this is 45 x 35 cm unframed and is up on the website for £225.  It is oil on canvas.

Modern Blonde

‘Modern Blonde’ is also now completed and available to buy.  I could not quite get the exact colour right in the final photograph. The skirts are a little more vibrant and yellow in the original and the blue tops have a slightly more turquoise hue to them.  I apologise for this and spent some time trying to get the right colours in the photo but to no avail;  first time this has happened…..sigh.    I used an old toothbrush to add a little splash of colour on the walls as a finishing touch and like the effect.  The painting is 50 x 40 cm and is priced at £325, not £350 as shown on the website, a typo that I must change next time I have the energy to face the computer!

Next project is again going to be two women, but different ones this time, and not blonde, but still on the shoe theme 🙂

  1. July 15, 2015 by davidjrogersftw

    I agree with you that most artists and writers are perfectionists. I have a piece of writing I’ve been working on for fifteen years.

  2. July 15, 2015 by michewatkins

    Thanks for the comment David. 15 years!! I do sometimes look at a piece of work a year or so on and suddenly see how I can improve it, possibly because I have learned a bit more since I painted it? It happened with my Amy Winehouse painting for instance. It used to have a quite sombre background (as was my mood then) but now I have lit up the back it has transformed it I think . Still not sold it though hahaha

  3. July 15, 2015 by davidjrogersftw

    Glad to hear you’re not feeling somber anymore, and don’t give up hope of selling it. People who think long and hard about their goals, have faith, and persist often achieve what they’re looking for.

  4. July 16, 2015 by michewatkins

    Thank you David for your positive comment. We all have our ups and downs and as artists we have thin skins eh? But I am up and running again and so on we go.

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