‘Fxxk Me Pumps’ completed. 05.09.18


I am taking part in an Art Fair in London at the beginning of November and am putting together a series of London street art based paintings specifically for this event.  Roy’s People Art Fair (@ROYSPEOPLEAF on Twitter, @royspeopleartfair on Instagram) are hosting this Fair at the Oxo Tower from 1-4 November so please come along, have a look at my work and introduce yourself to me.  I would love to meet you.

Amy Winehouse is one of my all time heroines and I am incorporating some street art with her image into my compositions and will be using titles from tracks of her music for these pieces.  I am in touch with Amy’s lovely mother Janis and she has given me her permission to do this, thank you Janis.

This particular painting is based on a fabulous street art I saw last year in Camden, Amy’s stamping ground.  I took a photo then and there,  not knowing what my composition would be then, but knowing I would use it one day.  It is by the street artist @whoamirony and I love the colours in it.

I came up with the idea of the blonde turning around as if the aerosol is spraying her legs and those killer blue heels to me just leant themselves to this particular title of Amy’s.  Love you Amy.

If you would like to be kept up to date with what I am up to in the next few weeks, please sign up for my Newsletter at the top of the Home page.  I am also on Twitter, Instagram and have a Facebook page called Miche Artist.  Feel free to contact me via email.

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