Technical Glitches! And new paintings


First and foremost, my apologies over a technical glitch.  I was fortunate in that a prospective buyer emailed me having had no response to the enquiry sent through the Contact Form on my site here.  I would have had no idea there was a problem, so I am very grateful for that email and the Contact Form has now been removed.  If you HAVE tried to contact me that way, may I suggest you contact me via my email and I will respond immediately.  Thanks.

North Gallery Workspace will be reopening on the 4 July, with appropriate social distancing measures put in place.  I am very excited about this as it is a Gallery run by artists and up until lockdown had been doing very well.  We have been busy repainting and refurbishing the space and are going to be increasing our online presence big time.  I will be updating information here, so keep looking !

I have been inundated with commissions recently for the small fruit/veg/donut paintings so please bear with me time wise.  I really enjoy painting these and welcome commissions so please get in touch to discuss colours, subjects etc.  I am thinking of painting  lipsticks next…….exciting.    I completed my #artistsupportpledge of sales over £1000, so was able to support another artist by buying one of her pieces, which is the objective of this scheme.  I could not face buying another painting as I have enough of my own (!) but she makes amazing ceramic clocks using biscuits as her models.  Could not resist that.

Feel free to get in touch with me via social media/email about sales e queries or commissions and have a look at my Catalogue of available small paintings.



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