Detail from new work in progress. 02.05.18


This will be a street art themed painting eventually, but this week I have been concentrating on getting the young woman in place in the composition.  So far so good.

I am incorporating a (as I have now found out) a copy of a Banksy painting showing a girl on a swing.  The original was painted under a sign saying PARKing and this artist’s copy isn’t as detailed as Banksys.  I haven’t been able to find out where and who painted it, so am going ahead regardless and hope I won’t be sued….

My working title, so far, will be either ‘Babysitting’ or ‘Modern Babysitting’ depending on what I feel like when the piece is finished.  It’s my take on the fact that the young seem to spend most of their time these days glued to their smart phones, to the detriment of enjoying babysitting, albeit for a stencil on a wall !

This painting is in oils and is on canvas board.

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