‘The Hare, North Street, Bristol’. Work in progress. 28/06/17



Another painting to drive me mad with patterns to paint, much as in ‘Bristol North Street Blues..Reds & Oranges’.   I don’t think of these  little problems when I set up a composition.  Once I have seen what I want to paint,  I tend to jump in and photograph it without heed of the consequences…

My problem is that I am far too impatient to be a truly realistic figurative painter; I used to want to be, but now accept that it’s just not me.  So with the panelled glass of the window of the pub, I am going to attempt a more impressionistic interpretation and let the eye of the viewer make up the rest.  At the moment I feel the glass is too bright for the rest of the painting, so will paint a glaze over it next week when the paint is drier.

The Hare is a lovely little pub on North Street where I live.  It is a darker green than painted here, so I have used some artistic licence to liven it up a bit.

I find I often use the Colour Wheel for deciding colours without realising it (Google for more info).   Green is the complimentary of red and is often used as a base before flesh tones are painted on in a portrait.  I think this is why this painting is ‘singing’ for me, but I can’t really take credit for that, it is just nature’s colour scheme.

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