‘Don’t Be A Dick’ detail.



As I am painting a much larger work, 80 x 80 cm, I can’t really post work in progress each week as not of a lot of progress would be shown.  So for this week I show a bit of close up detail for those of you interested in seeing how I work.

It has been interesting painting a larger work, as it enables me to paint in a looser style which I am much enjoying.  I can also be more experimental with colour and am looking forward to trying out jewel bright pinks and oranges on the red paint of the gallery building and blues and pinks elsewhere.

This particular painting is for the gallery in Cape Town which incidentally is the red building shown there.  Hopefully, it will be one of a series and I am now excited about painting a similar series with a Bristol vein for in the UK.  I remain, as always, committed to painting the female form, but I like the idea of local, recognisable buildings in the background to add interest to the piece.  Time will tell!

If you are in the New York area, please come along to ArtExpo at Pier 94  21-24 April and see my work at Steidel Fine Art’s stand (  I would love to say I would see you all there, but for that I need to knit myself an airline ticket….

If you would like to be kept up to date with what I am up to in the next couple of months, please sign up for my Newsletter at the top of the Home page.  I send these out quarterly and will be sending out the latest in the next few days.  I am also on Twitter and Instagram and have a Facebook page called Miche Artist as well as my usual Facebook page.



















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