New Work, January 2017



First week, first underpainting of 2017.   I alternate between being excited when I start a new work and impatient to get down to the lights, darks and details which I know I have to wait for until the underpainting is done.  Catch 22.

Two good friends kindly let me use their house as a backdrop to my next photo shoot with my model and I am hugely grateful for this.  Much as I would like to paint from life, in practice I have to work largely from photos, so every few months I will set up a photo shoot with a different model and take a load of images for future use.

The lights work perfectly in this and the composition benefits from the wonderful abstract painting behind the model.  I am not usually a fan of green in my colour palette, but this time the colour of the sofa compliments the lilac Grecian style dress and also the cushions which will eventually be purple shaded.

On a different note, I am absolutely delighted to have been given an Award of Merit in Manhattan Arts International ‘s New Beginnings Exhibition for this painting :-


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