New Work, week 2. 30 Nov 2016



Very much enjoying this smaller piece (12 x 9″) on Ampersand board again, which gives a smooth, controlled finish.  Not sure how it would work on a larger work as you would lose that control but for smaller paintings it is a great surface to work on.

I apologise in advance that this young woman will be smoking a cigarette ( to be put in at a later stage when underpainting is completed ).  I was myself a cigarette smoker for years, and I am well aware of the health risks, hence giving up a long time ago. However, I do think it makes for a good composition and I feel the same about placing a glass of wine into a painting every so often; sometimes it just completes the piece.

I haven’t decided on a title yet, but I feel this woman is thinking quite deeply about something; she is weighing up the pros and cons of something important to her and she has come out to the hallway to be on her own, have a quiet cigarette and just…….. reflect.

The colours in the dress will be much more vibrant and jewel bright as time goes on and I am putting some of the purple shades into the door and the glass, it pulls the painting together.

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