Week Two – Hanging a Painting. 16/09/2015


A painting hanging day

This image will not be brilliant as I managed to leave my Ipad at a friend’s house last weekend, so am now waiting for it to be sent back to me and have to rely on my aging laptop which is very hit and miss these days.

Several people got in touch me on Twitter to say they hadn’t received my weekly update as usual. I have no idea why this happened and I apologise and hope all Tweets got through this week. I did wonder why I didn’t get the usual enquiries and was beginning to lose faith in myself – we creatives are a sensitive lot!

So to the painting. I have decided to abandon the ‘drip’ effect for another another time. I should have prepared the canvas before this way and then I think it would have worked. Doing it after I had put the figure and pictures just made a mess, so back to the drawing board as it were. Would really like to have a go at that sort of background though – YouTube is great for lessons on this sort of thing by the way.

I am having fun with the small paintings on the wall, although as usual, I think I have bitten off more than I can chew. The paintings themselves are not framed, so have had to use artistic licence in creating the frames, getting ideas off Google as always. They are beginning to work, but I need a spirit level to get the paintings level…..All these paintings are mine and you can have a bit of fun finding them on my website

I am looking forward to getting down to the detail next week, as at the moment the blonde hair looks drab and needs the highlights, and the skin tones need those touches of blue and pink that I love so much.

The next painting will be cropped for a change I think and may feature a male lurking in the background somewhere – any thoughts?!

  1. September 20, 2015 by davidjrogersftw

    I like touch of humor in the painting. The blog seems to be going well. The fact that people contacted you to say they missed your weekly update is a good sign.

  2. September 22, 2015 by michewatkins

    The paintings of mine are proving a real time consuming challenge but they do make the composition I think!
    It’s very strange about the missed tweets. If I send individual tweets or DMs they get through but the round robin one to my followers seems not to be getting through. I did tell Twitter but of course you don’t get any individual reply so no idea if it got through!!!

  3. September 23, 2015 by davidjrogersftw

    Often the things that give me the most trouble turn out to be the ones I like best in the end.

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